Castle Stalker in the middle of a lake

Castle Stalker

Loch Linnhe
Near Port Appin
Strathclyde Region

Having never seen photos of Stalker or read anything about it, I did not fully know what to expect in my search down the west coast. When I did find it, what a dramatic situation it occupied. Standing stark and grim against the fading light of dusk, barely silhouetted against the distant hills across Loch Linnhe, I took a couple of shots but mindfully observed where I thought the early morning sun would first illumine its island setting. Photographers will go to extremes of inconvenience for just the right light. And so, a mostly restless night was spent trying to sleep in the car, in hopes of catching that first light as it hit Stalker. About 4:30 A.M. the sun’s rays touched the centuries-old stone and I came away pleased with the morning’s efforts.